NO C. v? p) mIn
Y=: p); v?8N ANW!VOb 'Q mIn qOTOY.
mInB p)L mIn pe! VB ?H! NDKOY. |-& In- ,aL Gb |
nvB p):Z?8N mIn pe sB! V@OY. mInB kE RA.~n& G
\G MLN e!NNM p)8N |[KOY.
p)! |[GB pg mInB ATN C[Gg ENTERN >aGn_ UOY. pg
mInBk.Z GB R.ZO v Vv8 k.ZM R.Z& %kO) TBR vB x
@OY. mIn& Pb 15O mIn gL! x
i; pTR v5 V@OY. mIn!
JdQ DsLM& }+Q fl, DsLM *: 08N #VKOY.
b; AT mIn
Y= qO!- b; 3$*: pN =: [CN Gn V@OY.
mIn bI
A Manually answer incoming call.
A/ Repeat last command executed. Do not precede
A/ with AT or follow with ENTER.
D_ 0 - 9, A-D, # and *
L last number redial
P pulse dialing
Note: Pulse dialing is not supported for
Australia, New Zealand, Norway, and South
T touch-tone dialing
W wait for second dial tone
, pause
@ wait for five seconds of silence
! flash
; return to Command Mode after dialing
DS=n Dial one of the four telephone numbers (n=0-3)
stored in the modem non-volatile memory.
E_ E0 Commands are not echoed
E1 Commands are echoed
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