Combined Boot User Manual Page 1
Combined Boot contains two types of boot code: x86 BootBIOS for x86 systems, and OpenBoot for
SPARC Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) and AIX systems. Combined Boot determines your
system platform (x86 or SPARC) and automatically downloads the proper boot code image to the host
bus adapter (HBA).
x86 BootBIOS works with the existing basic input output system (BIOS) on x86 systems. x86 BootBIOS
allows you to designate a Fibre Channel drive as the boot drive.
OpenBoot is a set of FCode instructions in the HBA flash read-only memory (ROM) that allows you to
designate a Fibre Channel hard drive as the boot drive. OpenBoot works with the existing system BIOS
on SPARC PCI systems.
• Combined Boot is compatible with the following Emulex
Fibre Channel PCI HBAs:
• LP9402DC, LP9002DC, LP9002L and LP9000 (minimum firmware version 3.82a1)
• LP8000 and LP8000DC (minimum firmware version 2.81)
Things to Know Before You Download
• Combined Boot is a complete single boot image. Therefore, the HBA utility software enables or
disables two types of boot code (x86 BootBIOS and OpenBoot).
• This download assumes that there is already a local boot disk.
• As a measure of protection, ensure that critical files on your local boot disk are backed up.
• The .PRG files included in this release contain only the boot code overlay (no firmware).
Known Issues
The following issue has been reported at the time of publication.
• None at this time.
Files Included in This Release
This kit includes the following files:
File Name Description
Release notes for Combined Boot version 5.01a0
LP9402DC, LP9002DC, LP9002L and LP9000 Combined Boot image
LP8000 and LP8000DC Combined Boot image