Diagnostic Messages
Aborted This result occurs when the user ends the diagnostic test
before it is complete.
Warning This result occurs when a possible problem is reported
during the diagnostic test, such as when a device that is to
be tested is not installed.
Test Specific String This is additional information that the user can use to analyze
the diagnostic problem.
Failed Diagnostic Messages
The following tables display the primary hardware failure messages that the
diagnostics might display.
Function: Core System Messages (001)
Result Test Specific String
Failed System board.
Action: Have the system serviced.
Function: Video System Messages (005)
Result Test Specific String
Failed Processor and system boards.
Action: Have the system serviced.
Function: Serial Port Messages (011)
Result Test Specific String
Failed On system board.
Action: Have the system serviced.
Failed On system board external loopback failure, assure loopback plug is attached.
1. Make sure the loopback plug is attached, and rerun the test.
2. Retry the test with a different loopback plug, if available.
If the problem persists, have the system serviced.
Function: Parallel Port Messages (014)
Result Test Specific String
Failed On system board.
Action: Have the system serviced.
Failed On system board external loopback failure, assure loopback plug is attached.
1. Make sure the loopback plug is attached, and rerun the test.
2. Retry the test with a different loopback plug, if available.
If the problem persists, have the system serviced.
126 Netfinity 5000 Server Hardware Information and Procedures