IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Performance Tuning Guide
Page 13
Setting the values
1) Copy
DSN.V8R1M0.NEW.SDSNSAMP(#02TIJUZ) to another dataset and/or member for updating.
2) Locate the line containing
DSNTIZP and delete everything to the end of the file, including this line.
3) Locate the IDTHTOIN operand for the DSN6FAC macro.
4) Change the value to idle_thread_timeout as determined above, with care not to delete the
continuations in column 72.
5) Locate the line containing
6) Update the DSN value on the following line to a data set where you have modification
permissions (for example:
7) Submit the job and ensure it runs with a condition code zero.
Restart IBM DB2 subsystem for the change to take effect.
5.4 Locks per user limit
During policy analysis, DB2 error 00C90096 may be seen in the trace.log file. This occurs when IBM
Tivoli Identity Manager attempts to remove a large number of rows from a temporary table and the
number of rows exceed the locks per user limit. This can be avoided by increasing the locks per user limit.
Determining the values
locks_per_user_limit – Total number of locks a user is allowed to hold at one time. Default value:
10000. Recommended value: 100000 or higher.
Setting the values
If implementing IBM DB2 for the first time, or creating a separate instance, this parameter can be
increased by editing the LOCKS PER USER value.
To increase the limit for an existing installation:
1) Edit the existing
2) Update
NUMLKUS in the DSN6SPRM macro using the procedure described in the Idle thread timeout
3) Submit the job to rebuild the DB2 startup parameters.
Restart IBM DB2 subsystem for the change to take effect.
5.5 Active log duplexing
Disabling the IBM DB2 active log duplexing has shown to increase account creation throughput by up to
62%. Changing this setting depends upon your installation’s procedures and conventions.
Determining the values
active_log_duplex – Enable active logging duplexing? Default value: YES. Recommended value:
Setting the values
1) Edit the existing
2) Update TWOACTV to active_log_duplex in the DSN6LOGP macro using the procedure described in the
Idle thread timeout section.
3) Submit the job to rebuild the DB2 startup parameters.
Restart IBM DB2 subsystem for the change to take effect.