If a newly replaced FRU does not correct the problem: If
you have reached this point of the check procedures and were
instructed to replace a FRU but doing so did not correct the
problem, reinstall the original FRU and go through "Start" again.
If you want to print a copy of a BIOS Setup Utility screen to an
attached printer, press Print Screen key, while the screen is
Human Error is a cause for concern when applied
to check procedures. It exists in every first time
set of analysis procedures. It is therefore
essential for effective and time-efficient servicing
that each stage of every procedure be verified.
(For example: When a symptom is found, or
when a symptom appears to have been cured;
the preceding steps should be repeated for
accuracy of analysis.)
001 - START
To begin, note the following:
q Disable the setting of “Quick Power-On Self Test” from
BIOS Setup.
q Disconnect all external cables and devices including
speakers and microphone from the system unit, except for
the keyboard, mouse, and monitor.
q Power off the system unit before moving it or when
replacing FRUs.
q Remove all adapter cards, except for the factory-installed
modem adapter card and any other IBM factory-installed
adapter cards.
q Disconnect any drives except:
q 3.5-in. diskette drive
q Hard disk drive
q Factory-installed devices (such as a CD-ROM drive)
q Make sure that all power cords and cables are connected
q Make sure that the monitor brightness and contrast
controls are not turned down.
q Power on the system unit.
NOTE: Some monitors have a detachable system I/O signal
cable between the monitor and the system unit. In
this case, check this signal cable before replacing the
unit. See “Monitor Port Signals” on page 136 for pin