To activate and terminate T
ri Watch mode:
1. Press and hold the DUAL/TRI Watch key for 3 seconds to activate the Tri Watch mode. The
TRI icon will appear on the LCD.
2a. Press and hold the DUAL/TRI Watch key again for 3 seconds to terminate Tri Watch Mode
and to return to the previous working channel.
2b. Press and release the DUAL/TRI Watch key to terminate Tri Watch mode and enter into
Dual Watch mode. The DU icon will apear on the LCD.
NOTE: During Tri Watch mode, the SCAN, MEM, WX/BAND and Up or Down Channel keys are
inactive and will sound an error beep if pressed.
14. Resetting the Radio
You can reset many radio settings back to the factory default settings. Resetting the radio will:
• Erase any channels stored in memory.
• Return to U.S. channels, if another mode is currently selected at the time of reset.
• Turn Off the Weather Alert setting, if it is currently active.
• Return power settings to their original state.
To r
eset the radio:
1. Turn the radio Off by rotating the PWR/VOL knob to the Off position.
2. Simultaneously press and hold both the SCAN and WX/BAND keys.
3. While continuing to hold the SCAN and WX/BAND keys, power the radio back On, then
continue to hold the SCAN and WX/BAND keys down for 3 seconds, then release both
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