
Phone/Call settingsNetworkSound & AlertStatistics/InfoGPS facilitiesWAP Internet
! Using the GPS facilities (8)
The GPS system can display information re-
lating to the latitude, longitude, altitude,
UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, previously
’Greenwich Time’) time and date.
While you are using the location track fea-
ture, you still can make and receive calls (see
page 52).
While using all other GPS facilities, you can
only receive calls. In all cases the GPS fea-
tures are suspended during calls.
To use the GPS facilities successfully, the mo-
bile phone must have a good view of the
open sky.
: Display your current position (8-1)
You can display the latitude, longitude, alti-
tude, date and time of your current position,
save it under a way point name or send it as
an SMS message. The ’Z’ after the time
stamp indicates UTC.
To display data of your current position:
Select Menu >GPS Manager> Current
After a while (this may last up to
several minutes), the current lati-
tude and longitude data is dis-
to display altitude data and
to display latitude and
longitude data again
}Send position as SMS
Press Options
Select Send as SMS
The SMS editor (see page 23) with
the current GPS data is displayed
}Save position as way point
The GPS data are displayed in units of de-
grees, minutes and seconds; you can save
the position by assigning it for instance to
the name of the place.
Press Options
The way point list is displayed
Select a storage location
If a location is selected where
another way point is already
stored, it will be overwritten with-
out warning.
The GPS editor is displayed
Enter a name to designate the position
Saved way points can be referred to by the
menu item
Way Points.
: Way point manager (8-2)
The way point manager shows the list with
your saved way points (up to 25). You can
display the data of a way point, edit and de-
lete the way points, send them as SMS. Or
you may send them via a data cable to the
V.24/V.28 interface of a PC in order to track
your way manually.
The GPS NMEA protocol is used for transmit-
ting way points to the PC at 4800 Baud. You
can not change this.