
Getting your Appliance ready for use.
Before connecting to the mains electricity
supply leave the appliance to stand for 2
hours to allow the cooling system to settle.
Clean the appliance, and be thorough,
especially in the interior. (see ’Caring for
your Appliance’ - Cleaning, page 11).
FFiinnaall CChheecckk::
Before you start using your appliance check
- The appliance is level.
- It is thoroughly dry inside.
- There is adequate air circulation.
- Accessories are correctly placed in their
Insert the plug into the wall socket and
switch on the electricity supply. When you
open the refrigerator door, the light will
come on.
There is a control dial situated on the right
handside of the refrigerator interior.
Turning the dial, clockwise from
to a higher setting will start the appliance
You will hear a noise as the compressor
starts up.
RRuunnnniinngg iinn tthhee CCoommpprreessssoorr::
Your appliance is operated by a compressor
which switches on and off in order to
maintain the internal temperature.
The compressor requires a running in peri-
od of up to 2 months. During this time it
has to work a little harder and may result in
more noise than usual.
Noise levels are also determined as to the
location of the appliance, what is stored
and where the items are placed,
WWhheetthheerr tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr iiss rruunnnniinngg
oorr nnoott,, iitt iiss nnoorrmmaall ttoo hheeaarr ssoouunnddss
ccrreeaatteedd bbyy tthhee lliiqquuiidd aanndd ggaasseess sseeaalleedd
wwiitthhiinn tthhee ssyysstteemm..
627494en.qxd 24.9.2003 11:51 Page 6