Ai- adjustment shutters for the top and bottom
burners regulate the flow of air to the flames.
The airadjustment shutter for the top burner is in
the center of the rear wallofthe oven.
he shutter for the bottom burner is near the
ack wallbehind the storage drawer or the kick
anel (depending on the model). I?emovethe
rawer or panel. (See Care and Cleaning section
~this book.)
The flamesfor the top (broil)burner shouldbe
steadywith approximately1’1blue cones and
should not extend out overthe edges ofthe
burner baffle.
To determine ifthe bottomburner flamesare
burning properly,removethe ovenbottom and
the burner baffle (see below).Flames should
have approximately111blue cones and, ifrange
is suppliedwith naturalgas, should burn with no
yellowtipping. (Withmost LPgas, smallyellow
tips at the end ofouter cones are normal.)
Flames should not liftoffburner ports. E fifting
is observed, graduallyreduce air shutter opening
untilflames are stabilized.With the bafflein pkac
the flames shouldburn steady and shouldnot
extend past the edges of the burner baffle.
Oven Bottom
To remove the oven bottom:
1. Removeknurled screws holding down rear of
oven bottom.
2. Grasp oven bottom at finger slots on each side.
~. Lit rear of ovenbottom enough to clear the HP
of range tiame, then pull out.
To remove the burner baffle (on models so
1. Use a nut driver to remove t}~el/4,i’he~i-head.
screw sllawn i~~the ill~~strationabove. Do ]~ot