Heater Pilot Flame ~–
Turn the OWN CONTROLhob to a setting
above200°E The pilotflamewillincrease in
sizeand impingeon the temperature-response
element.The ovenburner willtight in 30-90
The ovenburner willoperate untilthe set
temperature is reached. The ovenburner will
continueto cycleon and off as necessary to
maintainthe oven at the temperature indicated
bythe OWiWCONTROLknob.
Operation ofallcooktopand oven burners should
be checked after the pilots havebeen lighted (on
models so equipped) and range and gas supply
lines havebeen carefullychecked for leaks.
Select a top burner knob and simultaneously
push in and turn to HI position.The burner
should lightwithin a few seconds. Try each
burner in succession until allburners have been
I@ition Models
Select a top burner knob and simultaneously push
in and turn to LIT’Eposition.Youwillhear a
snapping sound indicating proper operation of the
spark module. Once the air has been purged from
tl~esupplylines, burners should light within 4
seconds. After burner lights, rotate knob out of
the L~TEposition.Try each burner in succession
until allburners have been checked.
QuaIi& ofmaRnes
The combustionqualityofburner flamesneeds .
to be determinedvisually. d
Callfor service
(B) Yeuow tips 011
Normalfor LPgas
(c) %& blue flmee
Normalfornatiral gas
Hburner flmes look like (A),callfor service.
Normal burner flames shouldlooklike (R) or (C),
depending on the type ofgas you use.
With LP gas, some yellowtippingon outer cones
is norinal.
OwanSurmsr lgm;8i@m
Youroven is designed to operate quietlyand
automatically.To operate the oven,turn the
OVENCONTROLknob to a setting above200°R
After30-90seconds, the ovenburner willignite
and burn untilthe set temperature is reached. ;
The oven burner willcontinue to cycleon and =
offas necessary to maintain the oven at the
temperature indicated by the O~N CONTROL [
Eleetic i~ition mOdelS require electica~
power to operate. ‘Theovencannot be lit during a
power outage. Gas willnot flowunless the glow
bar is hot.
E the oven is in use when a power outage occurs,
the ovenburner willshut off and cannot be re-lit
untilpower is restored.
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