call Setfle intoSoitfloor ioverings
such as !cushion@d vinyl or
When movingthe range
on thistype of flooring, use care,
and it is recommendedthat these
simpleand inexpensiveinstructions
be followed.
The rangeshouldbe installedon
a sheetofplywood (or similar
material)as follows:men the
floor coveting ends at $hefront of
the mnge, the area that the range
willrest on shouldbe built up with
pIywoodto the samelevelor higher
than the floor covering.This will
allowthe range to be movedfor
cleaningor servicing.
~~~ velingscrews are located on
‘-ach corner of the base of the
range. Removethe bottom drawer
(onmodels so equipped) and you
can levelthe range on an uneven
floor with the use ofa nutdriver.
remove drawer, pull dra’wer-
Qzlt all the way, tilt up the front
and talfe it out.ToK’eplaee
drawer, insert gliciesat back of
~~r~lverbeyondstop on range glides,
Ljftdrawer if necessary to insert
easily. I.et front of drawer down,
then “push in to close.
* Use cookwareof mediumweight
and flat bottomswhich completely
coverthe heated portion of the
@Cook fresh vegetableswith a
minimum.amountofwaterin a
@Watchfoods when bringingthem
quicklyto tooting temperaturesat
HIGH heat. When foodreaches
cookingtemperature, reduceheat
immediatelyto lowestsettingthat
will keep it cooking.
* Use residud heat with surface
tooting wheneverpossible. For
e-pie, w-hencookingeggsin the
shell, bring waterand eggsto boil,
then turn to OFF position and
coverwith lid to complete the
@Use correct heat for cookingtask:
HIGH—to start cooking (iftime
allows, do not use HIGH heat to
MEDIUM HI—quickbrowning.
MEDIUM—slow frying.
LOW—finishcooking most
quantities, simmer—double
heat, finish cooking, and special
for small quantities.
WARM—tomaintain serving
temperature of most foods.
* Whe~Iboiling water for tea or
coffee, heat only amount needed.
1$is not economical to boil a
container full of water for one
or two cups.
Preheat oven o131ywhen
necessary.Idost foodswill cook
if youfindpreheatingis ncc~ssary,
watchthe indicatorIight,and put
foodin ovenpromptly after the
@Alwaystirn ovenOFF before
@Duringbaking, avoidfrequent
door openings.Keep dooropen as
short a time as possibleif it is
@Cook complete ovenmeals
insteadofjust one fooditem.
Potatoes,other vegetables,and
some desserts will cook together
with a main-dish casserole, ~meat
loaf, chicken or roast. Choose
foodsthat cook at the same
temperature and in approximately
the same time.
@Use residual heat inthe oven
whenever possible to finish
tooting casseroles, ovenmeals,
etc. Also add.rolls oxprecooked
desserts to warm oven, using
residual heat to warm them.
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