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\Vhencookinga food forthe first
time in your new oven, usetime
givenon recipesas a guide.Oven
thermostats,overa period of’years,
may “drift” fromthe factorysetting
and differencesin timingbetween
an old and a newovenof 5 to 10
minutesare not unusualand you
maybe inclinedto thinkthatthe new
ovenis notperforming correctly.
However,your newovenhas been
set correctly at the factoryand is
more apt to be accurate than the
ovenit replaced.
How to set YoMr Ra~e
for Baking
Step 1: Place food in oven, being
certain to leaveabout 1 inchof
space between pans and walls of
oven for good circulation of heat.
Close ovendoor. During baking,
avoidfrequent door openingsto
prevent undesirable results.
Step 2: Turn OVEN SET knob to
BAKEand OVEN T’EMPknob to
temperature on recipe or on Baking
Step 3: Check food for doneness
at minirnunl time on recipe. Cook
longer if necessary. Switch off heat
and reil~ovcfoods.
fi+atyouset. ExamplesofImmediate
Start (oventurns on nowa~~dyou
set iito turn off automatically)or
Delay Start and Stop(sct[ingthe
ovento turn on automaticallyat a
later time and turn off at a preset
stop time) will be described.
How to&t -e&k
SW” and Automatic stop
N~E: Beforebeginningmake
sure the hands of the rangeclock
showthe correct time ofday.
Immediate Start is simply setting
ovento startbakingnow and turning
off at a later time automatically.
Remember, foodscontinue cooking
after controls are off.
Step 1: Toset Stop Time, push in
hob on STOP dial and turn pointer
to time you wantovento turn offi
for example 6:00. The DELAY
STARTdial (some models may say
START)should beat the same
positionas the time of day on clock.
Step 1: Toset starttime, push in
knobon DEI.AYSTARTdial and
turn pointertotime you wantoven
to turn on, for example3:30.
Step 2: To set StopTime, push in
knob on STOPdial and turn pointer
to time you wantovento turn off,
for example6:00. This meansyour
recipe called for two and one-half
hours of baking time.
N~E: Time on STOPdial must
be later than time shownon range
clock and DELAY STARTdial.
Place food in oven, close the door
and automatically the ovenwill be
turned on and off at the times yoi]
have set. Turn OVEINSE~ to OFF
and remove food from oven.
TIME BAKEsetting may work
differently than they do at BAKE
setting. Carefully recheck the steps
given above. If all operations are
done as explained, OVCIIwill
(: ‘.
operate as it should.