Before you call for service
Problmn Possible _uns Mat to Do
Dryeris ,,,,_
is blmm/m_mit
br_J.zr is trlpped
• Make sure the dryer plug is pushed
completely into the oudet.
• Check the house fi_e/circuit breaker
box and replace fuse or reset breaker.
NfflE'Most electric dryers use two breakers.
]Fmmisblowev'clrc_t bre_mr
i,_,'he d,Termsy
tumble but not b,_
service is off
• Check the house fuse/circuit breaker box
and replace fuse or reset breaker.
* Maim sure gas shutoff at dryer and main
dmtoffare fully open•
• Move dryer to an even floor space, or adjust
as necessary until even.
Improper use of fabric softener • Follow directions on fabric softener package.
Dryi_ dlrtyitems with • Use your dryer to dry only dean items. Dirty
€letm ones items can stain dean items and the dryer.
Qlothes were not completely
• Sometimes stains which cannot be seen when
the clothes are wet "appear" after drying. Use
proper _ng procedures before drying.
Stmicebctr_ty can attractlint
Paper, dmue, err. leftin podmm
• Clean lint screen before each load.
• Sort lint producers (like chenille) from
lint collectors (like corduroy).
• See suuestions in this section under STATIC.
• Separate large loads into smaller ones•
• Empty all pockets before laundering clothes.