Q,SeeDimensionsand Clearancesin this section
forallrough-inand spacingdimensions.These
dimensionsmust be met for safe use ofyour
range. The locationofthe electricaloutletand
pipeopening (see GasPipe and Electric Outlet
bcations) maybe adjustedto meet specific
@The range may be placedwith 0’1clearance
(flush)at the back walland sidewalls of
the range.
Do not locate the range where it may be subject to
strong drafts. hy openings in the floor or wall
behind the range should be sealed. Make sure the
openings around the base ofthe range that supply
fresh air for combustion and ventilation are not
obstructed by carpeting or woodwork.
range, like many other household iterns, is
heavy and can settle into soft floorcoverings such
as cushioned vinylor carpeting. Use care when
movingthe range on this type offlooring.It is
recommended that the followingsimpleand
inexpensiveinstructions be followedto protect
your floor.
The range should be installed on a sheet of
plywood (or similar material) as follows:men the
f100Ycoveyifigeflh at thefront of the range, the
area that the range willrest on should be built up
with plywoodto the same levelor higher than the
floorcovering. This willallowthe range to be
moved for cleaning or servicing.
~ Depending on your range, you’llfincithe model
and serial nui~lberson a label on the front frame
‘~ oft he range, behind the storage drawer or
~ broiler drawer.
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~ Phillipsand flat-bladescrewdrivers
~ Penciland ruler
~TWOpipewrenches (oneforbackup)
~ 1%[1open-endor adjustablewrench
~ 3/161?
open-end or socket wrench
~ Gasline shut-offvalve
@Pipejoint sealantor UL-approvedpipethread
tape withTeflon*that resists actionofnatural and
@Flexiblemetal applianceconnector (1/2” I.D.).
A 5-footlength is recommended for ease of
installationbut other lengths are acceptable.
Never use an old connectorwhen installinga new
~ Flare union adapter for connectionto gas supply
line (3/4’1or 1/211N~x 1/211I.D.)
~ Flare union adapter for connectionto pressure
regulator on range (1/2” NPTx 1/2’1I.D.)
*Teflon: Registered trademark of DuPont
= Removealltape and packaging.Li up the ;
cooktop (on models with dualburners) and
remove any packing matetial under it. Be sure to
remove plasticfilmthat covers some chrome
parts (around oven doors, side trim).
~Take the accessory pack out of the oven.
~ Check to be sure that no range parts have come
loose during shipping.
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