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Clean the area under the cooktop
- ~<;~~ often. Built-upsoil, especially
“’‘-<~~~~grease, may catch on fire.
To make cleaningeasier, the
cooktop may be lifted up.
To raise the Cooktop:
1. Be.sure burners are turned off.
2. Remove the grates.
3. Grasp the two front burner wells
and lift up.
Some models have dual support
rods that will hold the cooktopup
while you clean underneathit.
=“ Aftercleaning under the eooktop
with hot, soapy water and a clean
‘%1 cloth, lower the cooktop. Be
careful not to pinch your fingers.
Lower cooktop gently to avoid
blowing out pilot flames (on
models with Standing Pilots).
There are a number of precautions
you can take to avoidmarringthe
porcelain enamel surfaceof the
cooktop and to prevent it from
becoming dull.Don’t slideheavy
pans acrossit. If you spill foods
with a lot of acid (tomatoes,
sauerkraut,fruitjuices, etc.) or
foods with high sugar content,
clean them up as soon as possible.
If allowed to set, thesefoods could
cause a dull spot. Also, no matter
how stubborn-the food stain,never
use harsh abrasive cleansers.They
could permanently damage the
enamel surface.We recommend
a cleanser such as Soft Scrub@
brand cleanser* or a similar
cleaning product.
materialsin an ovenornear
thecooktop.Do notstoreoruse
or other flammablevaporsand
liquidsin the vicinityof thisor
any other appliance.
Grates should be washedregularly
and, of course, after spillovers.
Washthem in hot, soapy water
and rinse with clean water. After
cleaning,dry them thoroughlyby
putting them in a warm oven for a
few minutes.Don’tput the grates
back on the range whilethey are
wet. When replacing the grates, be
sure they’re positionedsecurely
over the burners.
To get rid of burned-onfood, soak i
the grates in a slightlydiluted
liquid detergent.Don’tlet them
soak for more than 30 minutes.
Although they’re durable, the
grates will gradually lose their
shine, regardless of the best care
you can give them. This is due to
their continual exposure to high
Do not operate a burner for an
extended period of time without
cookware on the grate. The finish
on the grate may chip without
cookware to absorb the heat.