A hosethat attaches toa sink spray canburstif it is installed on the same water lineas the dishwasher. If your sink hasone, itis
recommended thet the hose be disconnectedand the hole plugged.
Pull Unicouple and its hoses completely out from storage compartment located at rear of dishwasher
Turn water fully on before starting the dishwasher.
Iffaucet has not threads: attach thefaucet adaptertofaucet, then tighten every screw
of the adapter.To prevent leaking your should tighten the adapter.
Attach the Unicouple connector to the faucet adapter by depressing the collar at the top of the connector.
When Unicouple is all the way up onto the adapter, release the collar. It will then snap Into position to
lock the Unicouple in place. The Unicouple s small hose carries water from the faucet to the dishwasher.
Its large hose carries drain water to the sink. Be sure Unicouple is pointing toward the sink bowl drain
opening and the sink drain is open for water that will drain from your dishwasher. If your dishwasher
drains into a disposer, operate the disposer until it is completely empty before starting the dishwasher.
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Turn off the water.
Release the water pressure by depressing the pressure release button. This relieves water pressure and protects you, and the
room, from severe splashing.
Release Unicouple from faucet by depressing the collar at the top of the Unicouple connector.
Remove the power cord plug from the wall receptacle.
Disconnect Unicouple from faucet adapter.
Connect thecoldwater supplyhoseto athreaded3/4(inch)connectorandmakesurethat it is
fastened tightly in place.
If the water pipes are new or have not been used for an extended period of time,letthewater
runtomakesurethatthewaterisclearandfreeofimpurities.Ifthisprecaution is not taken,
thereis a risk that thewater inlet can get blocked and damage the appliance.
The water supply to theappliance canalsobe connectedto the house hot waterline
(centralized system,heatingsystem),as long as itdoes notexceed a temperature of 60 C.
In this case, the wash cycle time will be shortened by about 15 minutes and thewash
Theconnection must bemade tothe hot water line following the sameprocedures asthose
for the connection to the cold water line.
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