63-1293—2 B.B. Rev. 4-04 www.honeywell.com
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Cartridge Globe Valves
Cartridge globe valve supplier must be Honeywell.
Valves shall be available in two- and three-way
mixing models with brass bodies and stainless
steel stem. Valves must have nominal rangeability
of 50:1 or better. Valves must have a leakage rating
less than 0.05% of the Cv.
Valves 1 in. or larger must be pressure balanced.
Valves shall be usable with hot water, chilled water,
or glycol solutions up to 50 percent. Valves must
have available insert replacement tools to facilitate
changing the cartridge.
Cartridge Globe Valve Actuators
Cartridge globe valve actuator supplier must be
Honeywell. Electric actuators shall provide either
floating or modulating control of two- and three-
way cartridge globe valves. Actuator will operate
at 24 Vac (+10/-30%) and 50/60 Hz. Actuator must
screw onto compatible valve body without the aid
of mounting tools. Actuators shall have an
ambient temperature rating of 32 to 122 degrees