
The Best Controller Available for the Process Industries
Honeywell’s UDC 6300 process controller combines reliability and flexibility. The 6300 features traditional
Honeywell quality, and it’s versatile enough to meet a broad range of control needs in a variety of industries and
Pulp and Paper – Kamyr digester, paper machine,
bleaching, dry stock blending and brown stock washing;
cascade and ratio applications.
Power Generation – Utility boilers, package boilers,
water treatment, ash and liquid waste handling, metering
pump control.
Metals – Reheat furnace control for air temperature,
fuel/air ratio, zone, high override, low override; heat
treating and electric furnaces.
Fine Chemicals – Steam desuperheaters, batch reactor
cascade control, evaporator control, flow ratio control,
mass flow compensation, and steam and fuel supply
pressure control.
Consumer Goods – Tablet coaters, sterilizers, freeze
driers, lyophilizers, and simple cooker and fryer control;
large scale cooking and frying operations, flow ratio,
temperature and pressure, food storage, tobacco dryers,
retorts, evaporator, baking ovens, and crystallizers.
Hydrocarbon Processing – Pipeline booster station,
flow ratio, mass flow compensation, pressure, and
Oil and Gas – Pipeline booster stations, gas plants,
platforms, metering stations, and terminal operations.