6/08 ST 3000 Release 300 and SFC Model STS103 User’s Manual 63
6.2 Overview, Continued
What to configure
Table 20 summarizes the parameters that are included in the
configuration database for an ST 3000 pressure transmitter in either the
analog or DE mode of operation.
Be aware that configuration data for the transmitter as well as for the
Local Smart Meter is stored in a non-volatile memory on the
transmitter’s PWA and make up the transmitter’s configuration
database. Therefore, the transmitter and meter configuration are lost if
the PWA is replaced. Performing a save and restore function using the
SFC will preserve the transmitter’s configuration database. See Section
8.5 for the steps to perform save and restore functions using the SFC.
Since the SFC is compatible with other Honeywell Smartline
transmitters, be sure all configuration data applies to a pressure
Table 20 Summary of Pressure Transmitter Configuration Parameters
Configuration Data Setting or Selection
Transmitter Tag Number
Up to eight characters
Damping Time Constant
Any one of these value selections in seconds:
0.00 0.5 4.0 32.0
0.2 1.0 8.0
0.3 2.0 16.0
Type of Output Conformity
LIN (Linear)
SQRT (Square Root)
Unit of Measurement
Note that ST 3000 transmitters with inches of water
ranges are factory calibrated using pressure referenced to a temperature
of 39.2°F (4°C).
Pressure readings can be displayed in any one of these pre-programmed
engineering units:
“H2O_39F PSI MPa bar KG/cm^2 mmH2O_4C
mmHg_0C KPa mbar G/cm^2 inHg_32F mH2O_4C
“H2O_68F ATM “H2O_60F
LRV (Lower Range Value)
(Process input for 4 mAdc
(0%) output)
Key in desired value through SFC keyboard or set LRV to applied
URV (Upper Range Value)
(Process input for 20 mAdc
(100%) output)
Key in desired value through SFC keyboard or set URV to applied
Continued on next page