Configuring via the Web Server
Configuring the System
NetAXS™ Access Control Unit User’s Guide, Document 800-04410, Revision A 33
1. Use the descriptions in the table below to configure the General reader settings.
Table 2-4: Configuration > Doors > Reader Tab Descriptions
Setting Description
Access Mode Specifies the validation conditions required at the door before
access is granted. For each access mode, you must also select a
time zone from the drop down list. The time zone is the schedule
by which the access mode is effective.
Disabled – Ignores all card reads (except from a VIP card),
allows neither exit nor entry by Card-and-PIN mode or
Card-or-PIN mode. Also, free egress is not allowed.
Lockdown – Ignores all card reads (except from a VIP card),
denies door entry but allows egress.
Card and Pin – Grants access only with both a successful card
read and a valid PIN entry at the door’s keypad. You can
perform the card read and PIN entry in either sequence.
Card or Pin – Grants access with either a successful card read or
a valid PIN number entry at the door’s keypad.
Pin Only – Grants access with only a valid PIN number entered
at the door’s keypad.
Card Only – Grants access with only a successful card read.
Supervisor – Enables a supervisor to enter without allowing
access to others. When the supervisor presents his card during
the time zone just once, he gains access but does not enable
access for non-supervisory personnel. If the supervisor presents
his card twice, he enables access for all non-supervisory
personnel as well. After the supervisor presents his card twice to
allow general access, he can disable the general access for the
time zone by presenting his card again twice consecutively.
Escort – Requires a supervisor escort for a non-supervisor
cardholder. The supervisor must present his card first, then the
non-supervisor must present his card within ten seconds of the
supervisor’s card read.