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Programming the Interface
This chapter describes how to program your system for the desired interface.
Programming the Interface - Plug and Play
Plug and Play bar codes provide instant set up for commonly used interfaces.
Note: After you scan one of the codes, power cycle the host terminal to have
the interface in effect.
RS232 Serial Port
The RS232 Interface bar code is used when connecting to the serial port
of a PC or terminal. The following RS232 Interface bar code also pro-
grams a carriage return (CR) and a line feed (LF) suffix, baud rate, and
data format as indicated below. It also changes the trigger mode to man-
Scan the following code to program the engine for USB PC Keyboard.
Scanning this code also adds a CR and LF.
USB COM Port Emulation
Scan the following code to program the engine to emulate a regular
RS232-based COM Port. If you are using a Microsoft® Windows® PC, you
will need to download a driver from the Honeywell website
Option Setting
Baud Rate 115,200 bps
Data Format 8 data bits, no parity bit, 1 stop bit