
COM Port Switching
The COM 2 port is always the IR port on the back of the computer, regardless of the type of endcap installed.
On the Standard Range Scanner / Serial Port endcap COM 3 is the Integrated Scanner port.
On the Dual Serial Port endcap the COM1 port is the serial port on the right side of the endcap when the display is facing you.
The process used to enable the MX3Plus COM1 serial port for use with a tethered scanner is as follows:
Note: Use the scanner control panel to setup using both the integrated laser scanner and a tethered scanner.
To switch active scanner Com ports select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Scanner > Main tab.
Note: If there is an integrated laser scanner, COM3 is greyed out – if there is no integrated laser scanner, Internal is greyed
To assign baud rate, parity, stop bits and data bits to Com 1, Com 2 or Com3, select Start > Settings > Control Panel >
Scanner > COMn tab.
See Also: Tethered Scanners
Integrated Scanner Port
The integrated laser bar code scanner is used to collect bar code data from any nearby compatible bar code label. Depending
on the size of the bar code, size of bars and spacing and quality of the bar code, the scanner is used to read bar codes between
3” and 30”. The bar code scanner reads UPC/EAN, Code 39, Code 93, I 2 of 5, Discrete 2 of 5, Code 128, Codabar and MSI
The integrated laser scanner scans only when the Scan button is pressed. Scan buttons have no effect on tethered bar code
scanners connected to a serial port on the endcap or to the serial port on a cradle holding an MX3Plus. The SCNR LED
illuminates during any MX3Plus integrated scanner activation.