Product Features Product Description
MRP-2001 & MRP-2001E PN 53040:A 4/16/2007 11
SECTION 1 Product Description
The MRP-2001 is a six zone FACP for single and dual hazard deluge and preaction applications.
The FACP provides reliable fire detection, signaling and protection for commercial, industrial and
institutional buildings requiring water-based releasing. The FACP is compatible with System
Sensor’s i
detectors which are conventional smoke detectors that can transmit a maintenance
trouble signal to the FACP indicating the need for cleaning and a supervisory ‘freeze’ signal when
the ambient temperature falls below the detector rating of approximately 45
F (refer to System
Sensor for i
Installation and Maintenance Instructions). In addition, the control panel is
compatible with conventional input devices such as two-wire smoke detectors, four-wire smoke
detectors, pull stations, waterflow devices, tamper switches and other normally-open contact
devices. Refer to Device Compatibility Document for a complete listing of compatible devices.
Four outputs are programmable as NACs (Notification Appliance Circuits) or releasing solenoids.
Three programmable Form-C relays (factory programmed for Alarm, Trouble and Supervisory)
and 24 VDC special application resettable and nonresettable power outputs are also included on the
main circuit board. The FACP supervises all wiring, AC voltage, battery charger and battery level.
Activation of a compatible smoke detector or any normally-open fire alarm initiating device will
activate audible and visual signaling devices, illuminate an indicator, display alarm information on
the panel’s LCD, sound the piezo sounder at the FACP, activate the FACP alarm relay and operate
an optional module used to notify a remote station or initiate an auxiliary control function.
The MRP-2001E offers the same features as the MRP-2001 but allows connection to 220/240 VAC.
Unless otherwise specified, the information in this manual applies to both the 110/120 VAC and
220/240 VAC versions of the panels.
1.1 Product Features
• Six programmable Style B (Class B) IDCs (Initiating
Device Circuit)
• Four programmable Style Y (Class B) output circuits
- (special application power)
• Three programmable Form-C relays
• 7.0 amps total 24 VDC output current
• Resettable and non-resettable output power
• Built-in Programmer
• ANN-BUS for connection to optional:
ANN-80 Remote LCD Annunciator
ANN-I/O LED Driver
ANN-S/PG Printer Module
ANN-RLY Relay Module
ANN-LED Annunciator Module
• 80-character LCD display (backlit)
• Real-time clock/calendar with daylight savings time control
• History log with 256 event storage