Setting up the HX2
l Network ID (SSID)of theAccess Point
l WEPkey orLEAPauthenticationcredentials
1. Connect afully chargedbattery totheHX2.
2. Press thePowerbutton.
3. Accept theEULA.
4. Calibratethetouchscreen.
5. Set thedateandtime.
6. Edit theradioparameters.
7. Edit theRFTerm TerminalEmulationparameters (optional).
8. Performa reboot.
Rebooting the HX2
UsingtheStart menu, select Start > Run andtypewarmboot inthetext box. Press
WhentheHX2is booting, theremay besmalldelays whilethewireless client connects,
applications launch, remote management completes andBluetooth devices connect.
Bluetooth and HX2
Pleasereferto theHX2ReferenceGuideforinformationwhenusingtheHX2with
Installing ActiveSync on Desktop/Laptop
ActiveSync (version4.5orhigherforWindows XPdesktop/laptopcomputers)must be
resident onthehost (desktop/laptop)computer. Windows MobileDeviceCenteris
requiredfora Windows Vista/Windows 7desktop/laptopcomputer. ActiveSync and
Windows MobileDeviceCenterforthePCareavailablefrom theMicrosoft website.
Follow Microsoft's instructions tolocate, downloadandinstallActiveSync orWindows
ActiveSync using USB-Client Connection
Theonly connectiontypeis USBClient.