HRTL-One Digital Video Recorder User Guide
Rev 1.00 51 Document 900.0259
If the product is found to be in good working order or its inability to function properly is
a result of user damage or abuse, the product will be returned in the same condition as
received unless repair is possible and requested by the customer. Repairs of such nature
will incur a charge for parts and labor and will proceed only by agreement with the
customer to accept the charge.
Without limiting the generality of the following, this warranty shall not apply to defects
resulting from unauthorized modification, misuse, vandalism, fire, floods, acts of nature, or
alterations of serial numbers.
This warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other representations, warranties,
guarantees, and conditions, express or implied, statutory or otherwise and
without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Honeywell expressly disclaims
and excludes any implied warranty of merchantability, durability, or fitness for
purpose and any warranties or modified warranties arising from usage of trade
or course of dealing.
Any description of the goods or services, whether in writing or made orally by Honeywell
or our agents, specifications, samples, models, bulletins, drawings, diagrams, engineering
sheets, or similar materials used in connection with customer’s order are for the sole
purpose of identifying the goods and/or services and shall not be construed as an express
warranty. Any suggestions by Honeywell International or our agents regarding use,
applications, or suitability of the goods and/or services shall not be construed as an
express warranty unless confirmed to be such in writing by Honeywell International. You
assume full responsibility for selecting products to achieve your intended purposes, for
properly installing and using those products, and for verifying the results obtained
Your exclusive remedy and Honeywell’s entire liability arising from or in
connection with your use of the products and/or this agreement shall be repair
or replacement of defective products, as set forth above. Honeywell
International shall not be subject to and disclaims: (A) Any other obligations
or liabilities arising out of breach of contract or of warranty, (B) Any
obligations whatsoever arising from tort claims (including negligence, and
strict liability) or arising under other theories of law with respect to goods sold
or services rendered by seller, or any undertakings, acts, or omissions relating
thereto, and, (C) all consequential, incidental, special, and contingent
damages whatsoever, even if Honeywell has been specifically advised of the
possibility of such damages.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Honeywell specifically disclaims any
liability for property or personal injury damages, penalties, special or punitive damages,
damages for lost profits or revenues, loss of use of goods or any associated equipment,
cost of capital, cost of substitute goods, facilities or services, down-time, shut-down or