
DR4300 Circular Chart Recorder
144 DR4300 Circular Chart Recorder Product Manual 12/03
5.3 Input Calibration Preliminary Information
Equipment needed
Table 5-2 lists the equipment required to calibrate various types of inputs. You will also need a medium size
bladed screwdriver for general use and a small bladed screwdriver for use with the screws on the connector
Table 5-2 Equipment Needed for Calibration
Type of Input Equipment Needed
Thermocouple Inputs
(Compensated Calibrator)
A compensated calibrator with ± 0.02 % accuracy.
Thermocouple extension wire that corresponds with the type of
thermocouple that will be used with the recorder input.
Thermocouple Inputs
(Ice Bath)
A calibrating device with ± 0.02 % accuracy for use as a signal source
such as a millivolt source.
Thermocouple extension wire that corresponds with the type of
thermocouple that will be used with the recorder input.
Two insulated copper leads for connecting the thermocouple
extension wire from the ice baths to the precision calibrator.
Two containers of crushed ice, or an ice point reference.
RTD (Resistance Temperature
A resistance decade box, with ± 0.02 % accuracy, capable of
providing stepped resistance values over a minimum range of 0 ohms
to 1400 ohms with a resolution of 0.01 ohm.
Three insulated copper leads for connecting the decade box to the
Milliamp, Millivolt, and Volts
A calibrating device with ± 0.02 % accuracy for use as a signal source.
Two insulated copper leads for connecting the calibrator to the