Chapter 5 — Troubleshoot and Maintain the Computer
62 Thor CV31 Vehicle-Mount Computer User Manual
Call Product Support
If you are having trouble using your computer and you cannot find
a solution in this user manual or from the Knowledge Base
(www.hsmknowledgebase.com) or Technical Support Portal
(www.hsmsupportportal.com), you can contact Customer Support. For
our latest contact information, go to www.honeywellaidc.com/locations.
Before you call Product Support, have this information ready:
• Configuration number (CN) and serial number (SN), available from
the Device Health dashboard
• Operating system version
• Power management settings
• Wireless security settings
• SmartSystems Platform Bundle (SSPB) version
• Intermec Terminal Emulation (ITE) version and protocol, available
from the ITE main screen.
Or, programming language of your custom application and tools used
to create it.
Find Your Configuration Number
Before you call Intermec Product Support, you need know the
configuration number of your computer.
1 Press to open the Device Health Dashboard.
2 Double-tap Information. The Hardware Configuration field displays
the configuration number.
Find Your Operating System Version
Before you call Intermec Product Support, you need know the operating
system version on your computer.
1 Press to open the Device Health Dashboard.
2 Double-tap Information. The OS Version field displays the operating
system version.