Airport Systems
PLC Health Monitoring & Reporting Sys 3-22 Manual EPM40002083-001 Rev -
HMS Report Configuration Menu
Current Report Method: RELAYS + ETHERNET
1) NONE - Change Report method to none.
2) RELAYS - Change Report method to relays.
3) ETHERNET - Change Report method to ethernet.
4) RELAYS+ETHERNET - Change Report method to include both.
5) Exit
Figure 3.7-6 HMS Report Confguration Menu
3.7.5 PLCHMR Facility Configuration Menu
The Facility Configuration menu displays data about the facility’s operator and its
location. With this menu the user may edit any data line by selecting its line number at
the User Prompt and pressing the enter key (See Figure 3.7-7). The Facility
Configuration menu can be recognized by the “HMS Facility Configuration Menu” title
along with its 9 numbered rows of facility data.
HMS Facility Configuration Menu
1) OWNER: Obstruction Lighting
2) CONTACT NUMBER: 937-484-2000
3) ADDRESS LINE 1: 550 State Route 55
4) ADDRESS LINE 2: Urbana Oh 43078
5) FCC NUMBER: 10108227
6) Altitude: 1500.00
7) Longitude: 40.16
8) Latitude: -83.8
9) Exit
Figure 3.7-7 HMS Facility Conguration Menu