M-510324 301C User Manual 63
7/10 Honeywell
System Programming
Network Menu
Remote Calibration
The network menu also offers a Calibration option for use with devices
that support network calibration.
The Calibration screen contains four (4) lines of information:
Line 1: Indicates the mode (Calib, meaning calibration), the
(Modbus) address of the device to calibrate (001) and the
type of device to calibrate (301D2)
Line 2: Indicates the status (Normal or In calib…) of the specified
Line 3: Displays the function to perform (Set Zero)
Line 4: Displays the function to perform (Set Span) and the span
gas concentration value (246 ppm)
5. On the first line, scroll to the device address and press Enter
6. Scroll through the devices to display the desired device* and press
Enter to select.
7. The second line displays the device’s status
8. Scroll to select the desired function, Set Zero to set the device's
zero, and press Enter to select.
9. Upon pressing Set Zero, the controller requests confirmation.
*The device must be configured in the 301C’s database in order to be
included in the device addresses displayed on screen.
7. Network
Calib 007 S301M
Status: Normal
Set Zero
Set Span 246 PPM
Calib 007 S301M
Status: Normal
Set Zero
Set Span 246 PPM