3 - 4
Scanner Is Out of Range
The cordless scanner is in communication with its base or Access Point,
even when it is not transmitting bar code data. Whenever the scanner can’t
communicate with the base or Access Point for a few seconds, it is out of
range. If the scanner is out of range and you scan a bar code, the scanner
issues an error tone indicating no communication with the base or Access
Point. A cordless charge base can also sound an alarm. Refer to Out-of-
Range Alarm, page 3-13.
Scanner Is Moved Back Into Range
The scanner relinks if the scanner or the base or Access Point have been
reset, or the scanner comes back into range. If the scanner relinks, you will
hear a single chirp when the relinking process (uploading of the parameter
table) is complete. Refer to Out-of-Range Alarm on page 3-13 for further
Out of Range and Back into Range
with Batch Mode On
The scanner may store a number of symbols (approximately 500 U.P.C.
symbols; others may vary) when it is out of range and then send them to
the base or Access Point when back in range (see Batch Mode on page 3-
You will not hear a communication error tone in this mode, but you will hear
a short buzz when you pull the trigger if the radio communication is not
working. Once the radio connection is made, the scanner produces a
series of beeps while the data is being transferred to the base or Access
Page Button
When you press the Page button on the base or Access Point, the scan-
ners associated with that base or Access Point will begin beeping (3 short
and 1 long beep). If you pull the trigger on a scanner that is beeping in
response, or press the Page button on the base or Access Point a second
time, all associated scanners will stop beeping. See Paging on page 3-9
for further information about Page Button settings.
About the Battery
There is a danger of explosion if the batteries are incorrectly replaced.
Replace the batteries with only the same or equivalent type recom-
mended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to
the recycle program for batteries as directed by the governing agency
for the country where the batteries are to be discarded.
Power is supplied to the cordless scanner by a rechargeable battery that is inte-
grated in the scanner handle. Batteries are shipped approximately 30% to 60%
charged and should be fully charged for maximum charge capacity.