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Vibrate Duration
If you want to set the length for the good read vibration, scan the bar code below, then set the duration (from 100 -
2,000 milliseconds) by scanning digits from the inside back cover, then scanning Save. If you need to scan multiple bar
codes in succession, you may wish to set a short duration time, since the trigger cannot be used until the vibration has
ended. Default = 300 ms.
Beeper Pitch – Error
The beeper pitch codes modify the pitch (frequency) of the sound the scanner emits when there is a bad read or error.
Default = Razz.
Beeper Duration – Good Read
The beeper duration codes modify the length of the beep the scanner emits on a good read. Default = Normal.
Vibrate Duration
* Razz (100 Hz)
Medium (3250 Hz)
High (4200 Hz)
* Normal Beep
Short BeepShort Beep