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Specifications – Actuator
Input Signals Analog: 0/4 to 20 mA (With supplied 250 ohm shunt resistor for current range)
0/1 to 5 Vdc
0 to 10 Vdc
Digital: Remote Setpoint via Modbus RTU (RS485)
Input Impedance
0/4 to 20 mA
0/1 to 5 Vdc
Input Impedance
250 ohms
10 K ohms
Input Characterization
Provides characterization of the input signal.
Selections are: Linear, Square Root or Custom.
0.2 % to 5 % of 90° span, proportional to deadband
Less than 0.4 % of full scale
0.2 % to 5 % of 90° span, adjustable. Shipped at 0.5%
0.2 % of 90° span
Voltage/ Supply Stability
0.25 % of span with +10/-15 % voltage change
Temperature Coefficient
Less than ± 0.030 % of span per degree C for 0 °C to 50 °C
Less than ± 0.05 % of span per degree C for
-30 °C to 65 °C
Zero Suppression
90% of span
Input Filters
Selectable spike and low pass filters
Solid State Motor Control
CW/CCW open collectors (opto-isolators) for use as discrete control inputs to the inverter
for motor operation.
Failsafe operation
If input signal exceeds configured input range. Selectable and adjustable.
Feedback signals/Output
0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA
0 to 5 Vdc, 1 to 5 Vdc with 250 ohm resistor; (0 to 16 Vdc with 800 ohm resistor)
Slidewire Emulation
Provides output voltage ratiometric to shaft position and potentiometric to supply voltage
(1 to 20 Vdc) without a slidewire. Emulates a 100 ohm to 1000 ohm slidewire. 10 mA
output maximum.
Input signal, output signal and power are isolated from each other.
Load Requirement (4-20)
Current Out — 0 to 1000 ohms
Programmable Functions
Selectable and configurable operating parameters:
• Input range
• Input filtering
• Input characterization
• Security
• Digital Input action
• Deadband
• Failsafe on loss of
input signal
• Failsafe on loss of
position sensor
• Direction of rotation
• Relay closure
• Communication
• Split range
• Output range
• Alarms