Ioline FlexJet E User Guide
How The Ioline FlexJet E and
StudioJet printers Work
The FlexJet E and StudioJet printers create printed images through
synchronized media and carriage motion. Files are sent to the printer
from a computer or le server via a serial or USB
When the printer receives a le, the electronic logic system translates
the vector image into X-axis (paper motion) and Y-axis (carriage mo-
tion) instructions and uses digital feedback to ensure plot accuracy.
The FlexJet E and StudioJet printers break the plot le into frame
segments in order to plot long markers. The FlexJet E printer then
rolls the frame segments onto a take-up shaft. The FlexJet E printer
can roll up to 600 yards onto the take-up shaft at a time. The Studio-
Jet plots to the oor.
Origin at right side of printer
and lower left on plot
Left side of FlexJet E printer Right side of FlexJet E printer
Figure 7. The X- and Y-axes and origin (top view).
* Note: The StudioJet has a serial
port. The FlexJet E has both a se-
rial port and a USB port.
In this manual the right and left
side refers to the right and left
side of the front of the printers.
Design software usually refers
to the Origin (or Start Point)
as “lower left” because it is the
lower left corner of a plot. The
plot is usually oriented in the
printer rotated 90 degrees coun-
ter clockwise as shown in Figure
5. The lower left corner of the
plot is physically on the right side
of the printer.