Identifies the percentage to reduce or enlarge an image.
» Note:
To scale plots, select the paper size originally used for the plot
in the Paper Type menu, and then enter the reduction or enlargement
needed to fit the plot on the new page in the Scaling Percent menu. If
necessary, enter new x,y coordinates in the Origin menu to reposition
the plot on the page.
Appendix C, “Document Option Commands,” of this manual has
updated information on the PCL 5 DOC commands.
Sets the default font for this emulation.
Menu Administration/Emulations/HPGL/Scaling Percent
Choices 001-150 (1-150%)
Default 100 (100%)
Menu Administration/Emulations/PCL 5/Default Font
Choices Courier12, Courier12Bold, Courier12Italic, Courier10,
Courier10Bold, Courier10Italic, Lineprinter, Select by Index,
Times*, Times*Italic, Times*Bold, Times*BoldItalic, Univ*,
Univ*Italic, Univ*Bold, Univ*BoldItalic, UnivCond*,
UnivCond*Italic, UnivCond*Bold, UnivCond*BldItlc, Zapf
Default Courier12
Notes * represents a scalable font (default point size [12 points] is
used to scale the font and produce the characters in the
selected size).
If you use Select by Index to select a font by its font index, the
printer uses the Administration/Emulations/PCL5/Default Font
Idx value to choose the default font.