3 Connecting to a Windows NT Server 3.51
Windows for Workgroups Version 3.11
3 Connecting to a Windows NT Server 3.51
Windows for
Version 3.11
• HP Vectra with DOS and MS-Windows for Workgroups 3.11 installed.
• Intel EtherExpress Pro 10+ ISA Ethernet adapter card and drivers disk
Ver. 3.5.
• D r i v e r N a m e : E P R O . 3 8 6 S i z e : 1 6 K D a t e : 1 0 / 2 2 / 9 6
• Microsoft Windows NT server 3.51 machine that supports Net BEUI,
NWLink IPX/SPX, and NWLink NetBIOS transfer protocols.
Device Configuration
• Board Connector type Auto-detect
• Force 8-bit operation Yes
• Flash chip address Disabled
• Remote boot program None
1 With the HP Vectra turned off, install the Intel EtherExpress PRO ISA
Ethernet adapter card into an ISA slot.
2 Connect network Cable Media to the Intel EtherExpress card.
3 Power on the machine.
4 After booting, insert the Intel EtherExpress drivers disk Ver. 3.5”, and
execute “A:\SOFTSET2.EXE.”
5 Select “Change Adapter configuration” and verify the resource settings
listed above under the heading “Device Configuration.”
6 If changes are required, save those changes and exit.
Vectra VL8 Vectra VL7 Vectra VE7/VE8
I/O Address 210-21Fh 210-21Fh 300-30Fh
Interrupt 10 10 11(16 bit only)