MSL6000 series tape library user guide 123
3110 Picker Retries Exceeded • Cycle power to the library or reboot by
using the LCD touch display.
• Run cartridge cycle test using the LCD
touch display. (Menu -> Maintenance ->
Diagnostic options)
Note: If the backup application is running,
update the application cartridge map.
3111 Picker Retries Exceeded 1
(Picker retries exceeded during a
pass-through fetch operation.)
• Press the Enter button to reboot.
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
• Check pass-through alignment.
3112 Picker Retries Exceeded 2 • Cycle power to the library or reboot by
using the LCD touch display.
• Run cartridge cycle test using the LCD
touch display. (Menu -> Maintenance ->
Diagnostic options)
Note: If the backup application is running,
update the application cartridge map.
3113 Picker Retries Exceeded 3
(Picker retries exceeded during a bin stow
• Press the Enter button to reboot.
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
• Ensure that there are no obstructions
inside the library (all cartridges are in
• Ensure cartridges are fully inserted in the
3115 Picker Retraction Error
(Picker did not retract during a bin check
• Press the Enter button to reboot.
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
3200 Shuttle Jammed
(Shuttle could not reach target location.)
• Press the Enter button to reboot.
• Check pass-through mechanism
• Cycle power to the library or reboot
using the GUI touch screen.
Table 10 Fault Symptom Codes (continued)
FSC Message ERP