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The LaserJet, Ocejet and Scanjet products have moved to a new naming structure to make it easier for you to
nd the device you want—whether it’s time to upgrade or replace existing products. The new printer and scanner
naming system also makes it easier to nd the right supplies to meet your needs.
New LaserJet and Scanjet products will use the Pro and Enterprise sub-branding, a family number product descriptor, and a model number
and a bundle identier. The model number and supplies selectability number are the only part of the product name that changed with new
product introductions. Ocejet products use the Pro selectability, a product descriptor, and a model number.
What is in a name?
HP LaserJet family number
Family numbers are always stated in whole 100s (such as 200
or 300), never numbers like 205 or 356. They are permanent, so
customers can always nd them. Product families are indicated by
these numbers:
100 Personal low 500 Small work team high
200 Personal low & high 600 Workgroup A4
300 Small work team low 900 (For future use)
HP LaserJet product descriptor
The descriptor follows the family number, and can be one of ve
1. Blank—mono single function
2. “MFP”—mono MFP
3. “color”—color single function
4. “color MFP”—color MFP
5. “color ow MFP”—color MFP
HP LaserJet and Scanjet model number
Model numbers are unique for every device. The “m” in the model
number means model, not mono, as in previous product names. For
example: M275nw, M551xh.
HP LaserJet and Scanjet bundle identier
The following “wild card” letters can be used for
derivative SKUs: b, c, e, g, i, j, k, m, p, q, r, s, u, v,
and y. These letters should not be used: l and o.
Sub-brand Family
Callout product
HP LaserJet Pro 100 color MFP M175nw
HP LaserJet
600 None (means
mono single
function printer)
HP LaserJet Pro 400 MFP M425dn
HP Ocejet Pro 8100 ePrinter A809
HP Ocejet Pro 8600 Premium e-All-
HP Scanjet
7000 Sheet-feed
HP LaserJet
- color ow MFP M575c
LaserJet supplies selectability number
HP LaserJet supplies have a new selectability number that makes it
much easier for customers to identify the correct supplies for their
product. Color laser supplies have a three-digit + alpha (A, X, D)
number, while mono laser supplies have a two-digit + alpha number.
Selectability numbers are in addition to HP standard part numbers and
do not correlate. Black, cyan, yellow, and magenta all have the same
selectability number, and are dierentiated by packaging colors and
descriptions. For example, “230A” is used for all four colors.
LaserJet character limitation in advertising
If the number of characters is limited in advertising, fact tags and
catalogs, the following naming convention is to be used.
Master brand Descriptor Model number
HP LaserJet Blank M175n
color MFP
color ow MFP
Trailing Alpha Description
a Base
d Duplex
dn Duplex and network
f Fax
f1 Flatbed scanner
h Hard disk
n Network
q Workow
s1 Sheet-feed scanner
t Tray
Trailing Alpha Description
w Wireless
x dtn or higher
xh dtn + hard drive
z Full feature MFP (fsk/fskm)
z+ Full feature MFP (used when
more than one z model
exist in the line-up for the
same model number)