Menu item Sub-menu item Sub-menu item Values and Description
CAUTION Running this embedded test will
erase your TCP/IP configuration.
This test performs an internal loopback test. An internal
loopback test will send and receive packets only on the
internal network hardware. There are no external
transmissions on your network.
Select Yes to choose this test, or No to not choose it.
HTTP Test This test checks operation of HTTP by retrieving
predefined pages from the device, and tests the
embedded Web server.
Select Yes to choose this test, or No to not choose it.
SNMP Test This test checks operation of SNMP communications
by accessing predefined SNMP objects on the device.
Select Yes to choose this test, or No to not choose it.
Select All Tests Use this item to select all available embedded tests.
Select Yesto choose all tests. Select No to select
individual tests.
Data Path Test This test helps to identify data path and corruption
problems on an HP postscript level 3 emulation device.
It sends a predefined PS file to the device, However,
the test is paperless; the file will not print.
Select Yes to choose this test, or No to not choose it.
Execution Time [H] Use this item to specify the length of time (in hours) that
an embedded test will be run. You can select a value
from 1 to 60 hours. If you select zero (0), the test runs
indefinitely until an error occurs or device is turned off.
Data gathered from the HTTP, SNMP, and Data Path
tests is printed after the tests have completed.
Execute No*: Do not initiate the selected tests.
Yes: Initiate the selected tests.
Table 2-10 Jetdirect menus (continued)
36 Chapter 2 Control panel ENWW