Appendix A: Glossary
NDS. NetWare Directory Services, a database of network entities in NetWare 4.xx, such as
users, file servers, print servers, etc. NDS is a global directory service, which means that users
anywhere on a network can access a service such as a printer by name without being logged into
the file server that offers that service.
NDPS. Novell Distributed Print Services, a method for configuring printers in NetWare 5.0 and
later systems.
NetBEUI. NetBIOS Extended User Interface. The network transport protocol used by all of
Microsoft’s network systems and IBM’s LAN Server based systems.
NetBEUI is often confused with NetBios. NetBIOS is the API and NetBEUI is the transport
protocol. Although NetBEUI can be used for printing, it is being replaced by newer printing pro-
tocols like the Windows 95 Peer-to-Peer direct mode IPX and TCP/IP.
NetBIOS. Network Basic Input Output System. An API that augments the DOS BIOS by
adding special functions for local-area networks.. Almost all LANs for PCs are based on the
NetBIOS. Some LAN manufacturers have even extended it, adding additional network capabili-
NetWare. A network operating system developed by Novell.
Network Layer. Layer 3 of the OSI Reference Model; establishes paths to allow packets to
be routed throughout the network. IP and IPX are examples of this layer.
Network Operating System. A program that controls the operation of a network.
Nibble A nibble is four binary digits or half of an eight-bit byte. A nibble can be conveniently
represented by one hexadecimal digit.
NLM. NetWare Loadable Module. In NetWare 3.xx or 4.xx, a program that runs on the file
server that performs a specific function such as communications.
Node. A device connected to a network, such as a computer or print server.
NPRINTER. The method for connecting a remote printer to a print server in NetWare V4.xx.
See also Remote Printer.
NWADMIN. The Windows-based NetWare Administrator utility that is used to manage Net-
Ware file servers from a client workstation.
OpenVMS. DEC's latest name for the VMS operating system, which was originally called