
Printer Memory
Determining Needed Printer Memory
The amount of printer memory you need depends on what you are
printing and the printer language you are using. For example, PCL is
compact and efficient, so you can print most text and graphics at 600 dpi
without adding memory to your printer. You might want to add memory
to your printer if you commonly print complex graphics, use many
downloaded typefaces, or print complex documents in PostScript. The
table below shows the printers’ standard memory and the maximum
amount of additional memory you can install. You can install additional
memory through four SIMM (Single In-Line Memory Module) slots.
Printer Memory Standard (MB) Maximum (MB)
HP LaserJet 5 4 66
HP LaserJet 5M 6 52
The HP LaserJet 5 printer can print letter, A4, and legal pages at 300
or 600-dpi, simplex or duplex, with standard memory. For added printer
personalities, complex graphics, or advanced functions (such as I/O
Buffering and Resource Saving), you may need additional memory. HP
recommends that you install a minimum of 2 MBytes of additional
memory to print using the PostScript printer personality.
The HP LaserJet 5M printer comes with Adobe PostScript Level 2
and 6 MBytes of installed memory. See Chapter 5 for more information
about PostScript printing and the memory requirements of your HP
LaserJet 5M printer.
Note To find out how much memory is installed in your printer, print a self
test. See Chapter 7, “Testing the Printer,” for more information.
EN Printer Memory D-1