
print on loaded paper 55, 186
printed on wrong paper 186
profiles 55
select type 55
size 61
sizes (max and min 200
usage 116
view information 54
paper conflicts, handle 22
paper not in driver 150
paper types 142
administrator's 24
security 24
PDF clipped 172
PDF missing objects 172
physical specifications 201
platen cleaning 168
on/off 28
power specifications 201
preferences, Windows driver 25
presentation, print 96
preview a print 65
print file 60
print job
create 60
ink usage 116
nesting 69
paper usage 116
submit 60
print preview 65
print quality
select 61
print with shortcuts 63
print-quality problems
banding 161
black ink comes off 168
blurred lines 165
bottom of print 169
discontinuous lines 164
edges darker than
expected 169
edges stepped or not
sharp 168
general 160
graininess 166
horizontal lines 161
inaccurate line lengths 165
ink marks 167
line thickness 162
misaligned colors 163
paper not flat 166
scratching 167
scuffing 167
stepped lines 162
vertical lines of different
colors 169
white spots 169
wizard 160
printer does not print 186
printer software
Mac OS uninstall 19
Windows uninstall 14
printer stand 146
printer status 132
Printer Utility
access 29
cannot access 187
language 30
printer's main components 4
printer's main features 4
about 123
align 182
cannot insert 178
clean; purge 179
insert 127
order 142
remove 124
replace, reseat 179
specification 200
status 124
printhead cleaner
specification 200
printhead drop detector
clean 180
printing resolutions 200
Proactive Support 195
project, print 88
quality, high 66
QuarkXpress, unavailable driver
features 189
rendering intent 81
reprint a job 112
rescale a print 64
roll paper
24-inch load 41
24-inch spindle load 36
44-inch load 45
44-inch spindle load 38
unload 49
safety precautions 2
scale a print 64
scratched prints 167
scuffed prints 167
secure disk erase 139
security password 24
sheet paper
load 50
unload 53
shortcuts 63
sleep mode wait time 31
slow printing 186
software 8
software update 138
acoustic 202
ecological 201
environmental 202
functional 200
graphic languages 201
hard disk 201
ink supplies 200
margins 200
mechanical accuracy 201
memory 201
paper size 200
physical 201
power 201
printing resolutions 200
24-inch roll load 36
44-inch roll load 38
stand 146
ink cartridge 120
printer usage 116
status 113
stepped lines 162
store the printer 137
submit job 60
support services
HP Care Packs 194
HP Customer Care 194
HP Instant Support 195
HP Proactive Support 195
HP Start-Up Kit 194
HP Support 196
Knowledge Center 194
printer installation 195
warranty extensions 194
telephone numbers 196
ENWW Index 207