
Messages F-3
Exponentiation error:
Attempted to raise 0 to the 0
power or to a
negative power.
Attempted to raise a negative number to a non–
integer power.
Attempted to raise complex number (0 + i 0) to a
number with a negative real part.
 Attempted an operation with an invalid indirect value ((I)
is not defined).
 Attempted an operation with an invalid indirect value ((J)
is not defined).
 Attempted to take a logarithm of zero or (0 + i0).
 Attempted to take a logarithm of a negative number.
  All of user memory has been erased (see page ).
  The calculator has insufficient memory available to do
the operation (See appendix B).
 The condition checked by a test instruction is not true.
(Occurs only when executed from the keyboard.)
 Attempted to refer to a nonexistent program label (or line
number) with
,, or . Note that the error
 can mean
you explicitly (from the keyboard) called a program
label that does not exist; or
the program that you called referred to another
label, which does not exist.
The result of integration does not exist.
 
The catalog of programs (
 () )
indicates no program labels stored.
  No solution could be found for this system of linear
  Multiple solutions have been found for this system of
linear equations.