Company confidential. Pelican User’s Guide. Ed 1. Draft 2. Freeze Status: not frozen
This is the cyan on page 11–2 (seq: 172)
This is the black on page 11–2 (seq: 172)
ANSI size An American standard paper size; e.g.
D, E, etc.
application The software you use to create your
baud rate The data transmission rate in a serial
interface between a computer and a device, in bits
per second.
Bi-tronics A standard for the parallel interface
between computer and device, compatible with
Centronics, and allowing two-way communication.
CAD Computer-aided design.
cartridge Print cartridge, containing ink.
Centronics A standard for the parallel interface
between computer and device.
clear film See-through, polyester media type.
clipping Losing part of a drawing at the edges.
CMYK Cyan, magenta, yellow and black. The
colors of the plotter’s four inks, and also a standard
color model.
coated paper Paper coated on one side for inkjet
default A value or condition that is assumed if no
other value or condition is specified.
device An external item connected to the
computer: printer, plotter, tape drive etc. Your
HP DesignJet is a device.
dpi Dots per inch, a measure of print resolution.
driver The software that controls the
communication between a computer and a device.
entry platen The exterior part of the plotter just
below the media-entry slot.
front panel The control panel on the right of the
GIS Geographical information system (mapping
graphics language A programming language
telling a print device how to output graphic data.
grayscale Shades of gray to represent colors.
high-gloss film A glossy, opaque, polyester media
HP-GL One of Hewlett-Packard’s standard
graphics languages for plotters and printers.
Produces vector data. Forerunner to HP-GL/2.
HP-GL/2 One of Hewlett-Packard’s standard
graphics languages for plotters and printers.
Produces vector data. Newer than HP-GL.
I/O Input/output. The transmission of data
between a computer and a device.
Localization Note. Resequence the items alphabetically in your own language.