AC lighting contactors provide a safe con-
venient means of local or remote switch-
ing of relatively large tungsten, fluores-
cent or mercury arc lamp loads.
Siemens AC lighting contactors are
designed to withstand the large initial
inrush currents of tungsten lamp loads
without the contacts welding. They are
fully rated contactors and do not require
any derating as do standard motor con-
trol contactors. They are UL Listed and
CSA Certified.
Magnetic Latch Operation
A permanent magnet is built into the con-
tactor structure of the 30,60,100, and
200 ampere contactors that will maintain
the contactor in its energized state indefi-
nitely without using control power. When
energized, a DC current is applied that
produces a magnetic field that reinforces
the polarity of the permanent magnet,
and the contactor pulls in immediately.
The current to the coil is disconnected by
the coil clearing interlock. In order to drop
out the contactor it is necessary to apply
a field through the OFF coil in the reverse
direction to the permanent magnet. This
momentarily cancels the magnetic attrac-
tion and the contactor drops out.
Cu / AI terminals are provided as stan-
dard except on 30 ampere devices which
are for copper wire only.
Ballast Load:
600 volts AC, breaking all lines. Tungsten
Lamp Loads, Max. Volts:
Line-to-Line, 480 AC
Line-to-Neutral, 277 AC
Combination Lighting Contactors
It is desirable to install the branch circuit
protective device and lighting contactor,
combining switching and over-current
protection, in one enclosure.
Combination lighting contactors are well
suited for industrial, highway and area
lighting applications, or where a lighting
circuit may have to be disconnected for
periodic maintenance. They may also be
used for resistance heating loads.
CLM Lighting Contactors
The CLM Lighting Contactors can be
used with metal halide, mercury vapor,
quartz halogen, tungsten, and fluorescent
lighting. They provide reliable and conve-
nient lighting control in numerous applica-
tions, such as industrial plants, schools,
hospitals, office buildings, shopping cen-
ters, airports, stadiums, etc. The CLM’s
are listed under UL 508 with no derating
when used open or enclosed. Optional
solid-state control modules are available
to allow control of the CLM lighting con-
tactors directly from energy management
systems, microprocessors, photoelectric
cells, timers, and similar control devices.
They permit programmable time schedul-
ing of loads, automatic control of lighting
near windows to allow the use of natural
ambient lighting levels, and manual over-
ride of all lighting circuits from any num-
ber of local control stations or from a
central location. These optional modules
are integrally mounted onto the base of
the lighting contactor.
CLH Lighting Contactors
Class CLH electrically-held lighting con-
tactors provide a safe convenient means
of local or remote switching for tungsten
and ballast lamp loads, mercury arc
lamps, 3 phase resistive heating, 480
volts line to line, 277 volts line to neutral.
Available in 20 ampere through 400
ampere sizes in NEMA Type 1, 3R / 12, 4
stainless steel, 4X non-metallic type
enclosures and open type. The CLH con-
tactors are available in 2–12 pole 20
ampere, 3–12 pole 30 and 60 ampere
and 3 pole in 100–400 ampere sizes. UL
Listed and CSA certified.
Combination Lighting and Heating
½ Disconnect Switch and Circuit Breaker
½ Rugged Flange Mounted Handle
½ Easy Installation
½ Occupies Less Space
½ Increased Operator Protection
½ Room To Spare for Modifications
½ Class R Fuses Standard
½ Electrically and Mechanically Held
½ 30–300 Amperes
½ UL Listed
AC Controls
Manual Starters and Switches
296 CSI Section 16160
Siemens Electrical Products and Systems
Specification Guide
AC Controls
1 for 1-Phase
Max. AC Voltage and Ampere Ratings
Poles to Load
2 for 1-Phase
3 for 3-Phase
250V AC
347V AC20
347V AC
600V AC
600V AC
2 in Series
Max. DC Voltage and Ampere Ratings
Poles to Load
3 in Series
125V DC20 250V DC
Table 15.23 20 Ampere CLM
3-Phase Tungsten
and Ballast Lamp
480V Line to Line
277V Line to
3-Phase Non-
Motor Loads
3-Phase Mercury
ARC Lamps
3-Phase Resistive
60 60
100 100 3
200 200 3
300 300 3
400 400 3
2, 3, 4,
6, 8, 10,
3, 6,
9 & 12
3, 6,
9 & 12
Table 15.24
CLH Lighting Contactors
Type CLM Magnetically-Latched, 20A
Type CLM Electrically-Held (20-400A)
Type CLM Magnetically-Latched, 30-400A