Default Print Options menu
To display: At the product control panel, press the Home button, select the Administration
menu, and then select the Default Print Options menu.
In the following table, asterisks (*) indicate the factory default setting.
First level Second level Values
Number of Copies
Default Paper Size Select from a list of sizes that the product
Default Custom Paper Size Unit of Measure Inches
X Dimension
Y Dimension
Output Bin Select from a list of available output bins.
Sides 1-sided*
2-Sided Format Book-style*
Edge-To-Edge Enabled
Display Settings menu
To display: At the product control panel, press the Home button, select the Administration
menu, and then select the Display Settings menu.
In the following table, asterisks (*) indicate the factory default setting.
Table 2-7 Display Settings menu
First level Second level Values
Display Brightness Range -10 to 10
Language Select from a list of languages that the
product supports.
Show IP Address Display
Inactivity Timeout Range: 10 – 300 seconds
Default = 60 seconds
Administration menu