Merging fabrics and verification
13Fabric Interoperability: Merging Fabrics Based on C-Series and B-Series Fibre Channel Switches Application Notes
Merging fabrics and verification
After configuring both the fabrics individually as described above, now the identified E-ports
from both sides can be connected to merge them. The fabric should now reconfigure and
merge itself into a single fabric.
To verify the fabric has merged properly, run the following commands on both B-series and
C-series switch and ensure they are no segmentations or other errors.
On the B-series, open a telnet from one of the switches and execute the following command.
login: admin
BR38_09:admin> switchshow
switchName: BR38_09
switchType: 9.1
switchState: Online
switchMode: Interop
verify mode
switchRole: Principal
switchDomain: 101
verify domain ID
switchId: fffc65
switchWwn: 10:00:00:60:69:50:04:f4
switchBeacon: OFF
Zoning: OFF
port 0: id N2 No_Light
port 1: id N2 No_Light
port 2: id N2 Online F-Port 50:06:0b:00:00:12:55:a0
port 3: id N2 No_Light
port 4: id N2 Online F-Port 10:00:00:00:c9:28:fd:96
port 5: id N2 No_Light
port 6: id N2 No_Light
port 7: id N2 No_Light
port 8: id N2 No_Light
port 9: id N2 No_Light
port 10: id N2 No_Light
port 11: id N2 No_Light
port 12: id N2 No_Light
port 13: id N2 Online E-Port 20:00:00:0d:ec:00:e1:c0
port 14: -- N2 No_Module
port 15: -- N2 No_Module