Other equipment/services
sharing your fax line
Recommended fax setup
for parallel-type phone
Recommended fax setup
for serial-type phone
(You answered Yes to
questions 4 and 7 only.)
Computer dial-up modem
(You answered Yes to
question 5 only.)
Case G: Fax line shared with
computer modem (no voice
calls received)
Not applicable.
Voice calls and computer dial-
up modem
(You answered Yes to
questions 4 and 5 only.)
Case H: Shared voice/fax line
with computer modem
Not applicable.
Voice calls and answering
(You answered Yes to
questions 4 and 6 only.)
Case I: Shared voice/fax line
with answering machine
Not applicable.
Voice calls, computer dial-up
modem, and answering
(You answered Yes to
questions 4, 5, and 6 only.)
Case J: Shared voice/fax line
with computer modem and
answering machine
Not applicable.
Voice calls, computer dial-up
modem, and voice mail service
(You answered Yes to
questions 4, 5, and 7 only.)
Case K: Shared voice/fax line
with computer dial-up modem
and voice mail
Not applicable.
Case A: Separate fax line (no voice calls received)
If you have a separate phone line on which you receive no voice calls, and you have
no other equipment connected on this phone line, set up the device as described in
this section.
Figure 9-1 Back view of the device
Set up faxing for the device (some models only)