Product Family Information
The model HP C2021A is identical to the model HP C2001A from
a hardware standpoint, as is the model HP C2039A to the model
HP C2037A. The models HP C2021A and C2039A printers
include the following features:
• PostScript Level 2 SIMM
• AppleTalk MIO Card
• 4 MBytes of RAM
In every instance the repair procedures for all products are
Some LaserJet 4 accessories are compatible with the LaserJet 4
Plus and some are not. The compatibility chart below may be
used when there is a question of accessory compatibility.
Accessory Description Does it work in the
HPLaserJet 4?
Does it work in the
HPLaserJet 4 Plus?
C2082A Envelope Feeder Yes No
C2082B Envelope Feeder Yes Yes
C2083A Optional 500 Sheet Feeder
Yes No
C2083D Optional 500 Sheet Feeder
Yes Yes
C2085A 250 Sheet Universal PC
Yes No
C2085D 250 Sheet Universal PC
No Yes
C3129A PostScript SIMM No Yes
C2080A PostScript SIMM Yes No
C2063A Memory (1 MByte) Yes Yes
C2064A Memory (2 MByte) Yes Yes
C2065A Memory (4 MByte) Yes Yes
C2066A Memory (8 MByte) Yes Yes
C3130A * Memory (1 MByte) No Yes
C3131A * Memory (2 MByte) No Yes
C3132A* Memory (4 MByte) No Yes
C3133A* Memory (8 MByte) No Yes
C3146A * Memory (16 MByte) No Yes
C3157A Duplex Assembly No Yes
92298A Toner Cartridge Yes Yes
*If HP LaserJet 4 Plus Optional Memory (C3130A, C3131A, C3132A, C3133 or C3146A) is installed in the HP
LaserJet 4, the printer will display a “53.1X.08 ERROR” (X indicates the position of the SIMMs slot).
Table 1-2 Product Family Compatibility Matrix
1-2 Product Information