ENWW Configure device menu 175
I/O submenu
Items in the I/O (input/output) menu affect the communication between the printer and the
I/O timeout submenu
Parallel input submenu
EIO X Jetdirect submenu
The EIO (enhanced input/output) submenu appears only when an EIO device is installed in an
EIO slot on the printer (such as an HP Jetdirect print server). The items in the menu depend on
the particular accessory product installed. If the printer contains an HP Jetdirect print server EIO
card, you can configure basic networking parameters using the EIO menu. These and other
parameters can also be configured through HP Web Jetadmin or other network configuration
tools (such as by using Telnet or browsing the embedded Web server).
For more information about the EIO submenu, see the documentation that came with the EIO
Jetdirect card.
Item Values Explanation
I/O TIMEOUT=15 5 to 300 Select the I/O timeout period in seconds. (I/O timeout refers to the
time, measured in seconds, that the printer waits before ending a
print job.)
This setting allows you to adjust timeout for best performance. If
data from other ports appear in the middle of your print job,
increase the timeout value.
Item Values Explanation
The printer accepts faster parallel communications used for
connections with newer computers.
Turn the bidirectional parallel communication on or off. The default
is set for a bidirectional parallel port (IEEE-1284).
This setting allows the printer to send status readback messages
to the computer. (Turning the parallel advanced functions on might
slow language switching.)