
Data Collection Tables
Miscellaneous Data Collection Table
Appendix A 143
Miscellaneous Data Collection Table
The following Miscellaneous Data collection table may contain some
items that are not familiar to you, but they are all questions that you will
be asked during the install.
The install process describes all options in detail, so you can defer
making decisions about those items unfamiliar to you until you reach
that point in the install.
Table A-2 Enter Miscellaneous Data
Type of Data Enter Your Specific Data
Type of Desktop
Root DiskPath
Root Swap Space
Filesystem Type
LVM, VxVM w/VxFS, or Whole disk
with VxFS
Root Disk Volume Group Disks
(How many disks you want placed
into the root disk volume group and
whether or not you want the disks
to be striped?)
Select additional software
(All, HP-UX Additions,
Pre-Installed Disk Information
(Is overwritten during the install
disk, see Root Disk Path) This is a
“review” confirmation step.